Protocol For Difficult | Sensitive | Harsh Discussions

Used For In-Person or Online Platforms
YI Office of Protocol meaning of Protocol: maintain order, structure, and compliance; carry out work through recorded transactions to arrive at a final understanding for a productive outcome or goal; setup procedures or mechanisms for completing tasks or work.
Line-up And Order Of The Space
Discuss Global Proposition or Opposition Topics
- Protocol will give the forum an Opening Protocol (The Youngblood Way)
- Protocol will introduce the Youngblood Industries Team Members overseeing the Discussion and their role
- Protocol will determine the Host, Timekeepers (TK), Moderators (MOD), Researchers (R), Assistance (A), Translator (T), Counselors (C), and other Protocol Staff (PRC-S) members as necessary
- Following Protocol procedures, the Topics shall develop in Segments.
- First: Reason for the Discussion (Host makes a short topic statement)
- Second: Selection of Speakers (Host engage audience for Speakers)
- Third: Host Begins Engagement (Host engage Speakers one on one)
- Fourth: Begin Topic Discussion (Host engaging Speaker to Speaker)
- Fifth: Identify Specific Propositions and Oppositions (Speaker to Host)
- Sixth: Discuss 1 to 3 Propositions and Oppositions (Host to Speaker)
- Seventh: Agree or Disagree On Points Identified (Speaker to Host)
- Eighth: Acknowledge A Resolve or Way-forward (Host to Speaker to Speaker)
- Ninth: Wind Down Of The Discussion (Host to Speaker to Speaker)
- Tenth: Corrections (if necessary) (Researchers to Host)
- Eleventh: Closing Out By The Host (NO final word by Speakers)
- After the Host presents the Closing, Protocol will conduct the Youngblood Way closeout.
- Announcements, future events, times and dates of additional forums
Areas normally indented and greyed color will likely be Protocols meaning to a term, phrase, situation, or point.
- Up to six (6) individuals will be allowed as Speakers at any given time
- Exception: If a Speaker requires assistance of a translator, disability, or any other reasons as approved by Protocol/Host. This person shall not engage directly
- In a situation where the Speakers are unknown to the stage, Speakers shall be determined by the audience
- Allow as many audience members to select Speakers from among the audience to determine who are the beginning six Speakers
- Exception: Speakers may be predetermined before the forum begins; otherwise, the audience will assist in determining the beginning Speakers.
- Start with opposing views or known agreed resolves or can work in reverse (solutions may come first or last)
- Use open dialogue at anytime
- Can go back over an earlier segment
- Allow more time for a Speaker to complete a point or explanation
- Engage a Speaker(s) in depth to deliver a clear precise position or point
- Engage a Speaker(s) in depth to delivers a clear precise rebuttal
- Instruct Protocol to remove disruptors from the audience
- Instruct Protocol to move a Speaker to the audience
- Instruct Protocol to turn off a microphone
- Allow for a cooldown period
- Allow a Speaker to be swapped for another Speaker
- Allow all Speaker to be swapped for all-new Speakers
- End the forum
- Request that a Speaker provide clarity
- Request for more time to continue the forum
- Suspend the forum for a period of time to set a new time from Protocol
- Warn Speakers of behavior, comments, non-verbals, interruptions, provoking language, inciting disruptions, campaigning, and any other conduct issue
- Host are allow to handle situations that may arise within the boundaries to keep the stage and audience orderly
- Understand and accept the protocol of the forum
- Engage at the appropriate time
- Represent specific points
- Represent a particular segment
- Be swapped for a Speaker in the audience for a particular point or period of time.
- if a Speaker disagree to be swapped Host will determine
- Expect people to get emotional
- Expect people to disagree with your logic or points
- Before the Forum Speakers Should:
- Discuss your points with others
- Discuss your points with people that may not agree
- Organize your thoughts
- Don’t feel you have to rush through your point
- Write down your points and thoughts
- Prepare logical points
- Gather supporting evidence and expect for the evidence to be challenged
- Anticipate counterarguments
- Prepare rebuttals to the point you made; if or when you change the original point
- Try not to repeat the same points over and over
- Respect that not all Speakers require the same time to make a point
- Listen to the entire point before preparing a rebuttal or disagreement
- Be brave to admit if you agree with another Speaker’s point
- Reframe from outburst if you disagree with a Speaker
- Don’t expect everyone to feel the way you feel, no matter how important
- Respect that the Host/Protocol has control over the stage
- If a Speaker verbally attacks you, don't retaliate, the Host will handle the situation
- Remember this is NOT a debate, your intentions should be to resolve
- Listen
- Not interrupt the forum
- Don’t overwhelm the Speakers with messages (talking points)
- Only engage when requested by the Host
- Request the clarity through messaging platforms set up by Protocol
- Ask questions through messaging platforms set up by Protocol
- Help select the six Speakers through open dialogue with the Host
- Expect points to change or shift during Speaker Swaps
- Anyone in the audience representing a different point, or group not among the Speakers on stage can repeat what has already been discussed when they enter the stage
- Expect people to get emotional
- Do not expect a resolution before arriving at an understanding
- Support all the human beings (Speakers) on the stage, speaking in front of others is not always easy
“…If you start off soft (relax protocol) you can never go to hard (structured protocol), but if you start hard you can always show softness in some areas. So start hard and the audience will support structure…” Dr. Raymond Youngblood, Jr.
We host Discussions on very difficult, sensitive, harsh topics worldwide. We are not here to hear a debate, nor will we treat this as an affirmative or negative. This is not school; this is life. We understand that today’s wars or conflicts can come from situations of years of right or wrong behavior. We will not point the finger at who is good or bad. Our view is to help come to a resolve.
Resolve [verb] (SOLVE) to solve or end a problem or difficulty, or disagreement
Resolve [verb] (DECIDE) to make a decision formally or with determination
Resolve [noun] (DECISION) strong determination
Why we use the word Resolve for a key understanding and subtle difference between the word “resolution” and “resolve.” A RESOLUTION is defined as a decision to do or not do something. RESOLVE is defined as firm determination to do something.
We use ‘or’ instead of ‘er’ to confuse the audience less. We mean to use ‘or’ at the end of words to represent an actual person(s). Generally speaking, ‘er’ {Germanic} is much more common in English and can be easily be attached to any English verb to form the corresponding noun (drive — driver, run — runner, drink — drinker, etc.) or noun/verb to verb/noun (bat — batter, we would likely use battor, even if the word is not available in vocabulary.). The suffix ‘or,’ {Latin}, is used to build words drivor, runnor or drinkor. In fact, Wiktionary lists a handful of terms derived using this suffix, such as actor, author, sculptor, etc.
The English language has challenges making it difficult for speakers to speak, comprehend and write. The grammar is complex, making it difficult to remember, master, and use logically. Not everyone is strict, and it’s difficult to know who cares or who doesn’t. Vocabulary use confuses people because of variations and understanding of verbs and when a tense should be used. The references to time words and phrases such as maybe, think about it, probably, later on, etc. Slang/colloquialism can make it difficult if the audience is unfamiliar with the slang. Pronunciation is not always the same in every country from the niche (some people say it like kneech) or zero is “zet” or “nil.” Nil can be zero or not important. The phonetic sound is different. All languages have variations making them challenging to use or understand. Lately, respect towards one language or lingo from Speaker to listener. Many words such as “there,” “their,” “they’re” sound the same but have different meanings and use.
NOTE: We use some terms and definitions from various old and modern dictionaries and encyclopedias. A dictionary explains words, an encyclopedia explains things, and a thesaurus contains words that can be used in place of another word.
Expect people to get emotional. Emotions are not a sign of weakness but a show of human beingness. Some people will take the stage to lie, trash talk, or disrupt. It is their intention. Some people will start off with an open mind and later become stuck on a single point. Everyone has a trigger point; it’s part of being human. Some people will expect logic to supersede over the opinions of others. Some people will expect their opinion to be logical. Some people will try to establish an assertion using supportive evidence, logic, and convincing, but people may still disagree. Some people will argue a point just to be disruptive, and others will argue to get attention. Sometimes people will show a high level of intelligence and show a level of ignorance in the same instance. To be informed can also mean misinformed. Some people will argue points based on what they were told, and others will argue points based on nothing. Despite the Speakers knowing they will be removed from the stage, they will still make outbursts or name-calling. Some people will flat-out lie, some will lie to change the narrative, others because they are liars. Some people will be brutally honest, and that honesty can be rejected by the most reasonable people. A fact must be accurate, but sometimes a fact needs explanation because a story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
From time to time, the Host will sound biased to some people, and others will appreciate the Host trying to move the conversation forward. The Host may even help the opposing Speaker rebut a point or adequately express themselves.
The Host expects the Audience or Speaker to be kind or mean. The Host will not likely show any emotions no matter how sensitive the discussion. The Host should be viewed as neutral. No matter how impartial or fair the Host performs, some people will still assert that the Host is biased or taking sides. Some people will do it because of their level of comprehending the discussions, and others want to be disruptive.
A paid agent wants to use a platform to disrupt, push another party’s views, campaign, steal attention for no reason or selfish reasons, or just be flunkies. Paid agents come in many formats and forms. We are very aware of how they behave. Sometimes they operate in groups and feed off each other; others can be individuals mad at the world. They can attempt to be disruptive on chats, messengers, on stage, or contacting individuals. Expect them to show up.
We will not confuse paid agents with aggressive or compassionate Speakers.
We know that people can pretend to represent groups or classes to tilt the conversations or outcomes. If anyone participates in this act they will be moved to the audience or banned as a Speaker or from the forum. (Example: People know that six Speakers are allowed on stage, so they will pretend to be different than a representative already on stage with the opportunity to push support towards their side.) Tilting the scale takes longer to get to a resolve. This is why the Host has control to do a Speaker Swap. If two or more Speakers on stage are making the same points, this is the exact representation. The Host may exhaust the Speakers to ensure they are not representing the same points or points of view.
Structure is needed in everything we do. This is a formal forum with up to six Speakers on the stage. Each of these people will have supporting audience members. This is a good thing. Our structure is designed to give a bit of freedom to the Speakers. We also understand that some people are better at expressing their points than others, and you need structure and an unbiased Host that can balance the stage. If we arrive at a resolve, it’s done naturally and not fabricated or not tilted. Our structure involves the Host, Speakers, and Audience at the appropriate time. We know that all outcomes can not be controlled, but it can be understood, giving us the best opportunity to address any issue later.
Being a human being, it’s not always easy. It is likely one of the hardest things that a person can accomplish over their lifetime. A human being represents life as we know it. A human being can inflict physical, psychological, personal, social, or professional harm on another. A human being is also capable of love, support, and kindness.
“Whenever they say something mean, wrong, or hurtful, they get to offer an apology. When one of my miners or I do it, the feelings are hurt so deeply we have to make a financial offering to repair the issue. I would rather keep my cash, and you keep the Kola Nut.” Dr. Raymond Youngblood, Jr.
People can use culture as a way to control the narrative. To offer the kola nut or to extend an olive branch is a form of an offer, gesture of peace, hospitality, respect, reconciliation, truce, friendship, sometimes for ceremonies, or disputes.
Stay with the protocol.
Staging disruptors are people who intend to come into your Discussion to collect people and start their own space or room. These are people who can’t necessarily get people to follow them independently. They gather people through gaslighting techniques on your stage or in your chats. They hope to upset enough people to follow them to a new discussion to badmouth the Discussion or people hosting it. The more positive the Discussion, the more likely they are to gaslight with hopes to gain control of the Discussion. People will quickly follow if the stage is already disruptive, chaotic, or weakly controlled. Many people who follow Disruptors would not likely add value to an organized discussion. If Disruptors cannot take over the stage, they will make individual pleas to people to follow them. Anyone wanting to resolve an issue is more likely to stay within an organized and bias-free environment. People wishing to promote pain and drama will follow Disruptors.
Gaslighting is a term often misused. Gaslight is to manipulate someone or a group by psychological means into doubting their sanity, their own reality, memory or perceptions. Gaslighting is a serious problem because it preys on a person’s anxiety, feeling, or consciousness.
Staging Disruptors are prominent on social media. To combat this tactic control the people that enter the stage. The Host should monitor people the first time they start challenging the protocol and not discussing the topic. Ask them to send you a message with their suggestions. If they persist in interrupting, remove them Immediately to maintain a healthy discussion. Anyone meaning well will not attempt to take over the protocol in the middle of a Discussion. Our open policy of every voice being heard allows Disruptors to easily enter the stage. Our suggestion is if they wish to discuss protocol more so than the topic, you likely have identified a Staging Disruptor(s). Think about it in this way. Who comes to someone’s stage and tells them how their protocol should go. Let them do their protocol on their stage. This is why they have to go and collect people from other people’s stages. The few people who follow will likely return to your stage after the Disruptor Burnout.
Disruptor Burnout is a stage filled with people that followed Staging Disruptor(s) away from your original Discussion who realizes the disruptive tactics are NOT sustainable; it will burn out. Staging Disruptor(s) are just disruptors, and they will soon blow up the new stage. Followers soon realize that the new setting is not sustainable or becomes chaotic. The old saying, "nothing ill-gotten can last." The Staging Disruptor(s) started a topic to discuss the stage they all just left from. Whether positive, negative, or necessary, it doesn't matter, because Disruptors only wanted to disrupt and control.
Some situations in a Discussion can be chaotic and cause people to form a new room. The spirit of the stage is what matters. If a topic becomes "hot" and people are still willing to discuss it, this is progress, not chaos. Make sure this is not caused by the Staging Disruptor(s). The issue that needs to be discussed still needs to be addressed. So, these new stages or rooms will soon burn out. Often a lot of chaos happens on these new stages.
Sometimes a collective group of sensitive (thin skin) people can enter the Discussion. It doesn't matter how safe the space is conducted; someone always feels like you are attacking them. Some thin-skinned people wait for the slightest incident to blow things out of proportion. You can do nothing about someone wanting attention, intentionally being over-sensitive, or picking arguments. Stay constant with the protocol. Don't forget you have people who want to be there; they deserve your attention. No matter how much a person runs from a problem, the problem is constant. Anyone who leaves DO NOT ask them to come back, NOT tell them to go, NOT stop them from leaving, allow them to exit. If the followers wish to come back, let them; if not, then not. DO NOT allow the Staging Disruptor(s) into the Speakers forum, they can remain in the Audience. If you allow them on stage again, they will disrupt again. If they represent a particular group then the group should appoint someone else as Speaker. No one should be allowed to control the Discussion away from the people progressing through the protocol in place. To the stage or the Audience, DO NOT make apologies, DO NOT address falsehood, and DO NOT justify your protocol; just move forward.
Most people want to ease their pain, even if that means further anxiety or discomfort for others. For example, people can speak on stage and pour out their hearts to the Audience. Staging Disruptors and gaslighting from people taking cheap shots can bait people who are in the middle of expressing their pain. This manipulation can make an ordinarily cooperative person uncooperative. Sometimes you will have people with the desire to find common pain. In one instance, a very collaborative person flips to become the opposite. This person is a disrespectful, disruptive, or unappreciative person(s) on stage. This can be difficult to handle because you were dealing with a cooperative person before. Either they were being fake earlier, or they were provoked. This is why the Host keeps emotions away from the stage. Our approach is no matter how emotional a person is, and no matter how they express their pain, they will receive the same fairness as anyone else.
The expression of pain is why Moderators or Host break protocol through showing sympathy or empathy. It's essential to human nature. Someone is in pain, and you want to acknowledge it. If this is what the room or stage is for, then do that. One must keep in mind that if the purpose of the stage is not designed for this, it will not progress. This will ignite other people to demand equal sympathy or empathy towards their situation. This will likely lead to a Host or Moderator exhaustion. An emotional person will be taken from the stage by a Counselor to allow the room to move forward. Progress towards resolve is slow. Showing the same level of fairness no matter how sensitive the situation holds to your unbiased approach to the protocol. If you come across as cold-hearted, heartless, or apathetic, the integrity of the protocol still stands. The room will stand. At some point, you will lose control of the room or stage over-expressing sympathy or empathy."
As a Host or Moderate, you must suspend judgment, opinions, emotions, or resentment to not stereotype. "Babying" is showing too much empathy or sympathy on a stage. You may feel you are showing kindness, but the stage can receive it as babying. Babying meaning you are treating the person as a young child, handling the situation with too much special care, or treating it too gently. Your desire to identify with the person(s) can also be viewed as biased or choosing sides. Why? Anyone who doesn't receive the same attention will accuse you of expressed bias.
Understand the purpose of the Discussion. Host and Moderators need the ability to suspend their own emotions. You don't have to prove to the Audience you walked in their shoes or lived a life that identifies with their hardship. Why? Because somebody will always feel they have a life they think that no one else has lived. It will never end.
Empathy is expressing that you feel that you understand and share the person's experiences, emotions, and feelings.
Sympathy is expressing the feelings you care about and are sorry about problems, grief, and misfortunes.
Apathy is not expressing feelings or not having the appropriate emotions, care, or interest.
Chattors are people who will likely never enter the stage but spend their time posting negative or hateful comments through chat. Chattors are usually harmless until they are not. You have to keep a mindful eye on those that escalate things through chat. They follow the conversation on stage and nitpick or poke fun at everything Speakers say. Most people reading will find it amusing, but it can be counterproductive, as Chattors with no positive feedback are also disruptors. Chattors are also used by Staging Disruptors to gaslight a situation.
Buttors are people that will come to speak; they have something positive to say about what you are doing, then when they want to deliver the actual message, they say “BUT.” Example: “Sir/Madam, what you are saying is true and facts, BUT…” Some people will do it with the best intentions, and others use it to lure. They say something positive with the appearance to show support or respect, BUT the message they really want to deliver follows the BUT. This usually is to gain support for the second message or keep you or the Audience from resenting or feeling bitterness towards the second message. Some people have positive intentions to deliver their point without appearing falsely negative. Buttors should be treated based on the merits they offer the stage or room. If they mean well, it will show; if they don’t, it will show.
The word BUT is used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned. In some cases, the Speaker should use EXCEPT. Except is not often used because it is a direct contrast, and the Speaker genuinely doesn’t want to express conflicting views. Sometimes, a Speaker can use the word or phrase WELL or WELL IF IT WAS ME, or THAT’S OK TOO, BUT.
Pay close attention if this is Speaker to Speaker and is normal. If it is Speaker to Host, it is challenging the Host. The Host’s protocol is not directly involved in the Speaker to Speaker dialogue except for clarity.
Earth is 4.5+ billion years old, 6+ million years ago humans appeared, 87+ known created civilizations, 260+ known major wars taking 108+ million lives since the twentieth century, 7, 880,000,000 people on the planet, and 200+ nation-states (195+2), about 107+ billion people have ever lived, 6-12 different climates, 10,000 cities, and it’s guaranteed that some will take the stage to say what is happening in their country or community no one can identify with it. The rest of the world cannot identify with their needs or solo experience. DO NOT waste the Discussion trying to convince these people they are not unique with problems or pain or pleasures. Let them say it, then, Move forward!
Expect that someone or a group will attack this document. Maybe start a petition or boycott, if we are lucky. This Protocol document was created for progress, not support or “LIKES,” because people would/were name-calling, insulting, cursing, pointing fingers, degrading, and attacking each other on a stage during other discussions. No one on stage could talk for longer than 30 seconds before being verbally attacked, removed from the stage, falsely accused, people, calling each other murders, killers, abusers, child molesters, thieves, and rapists. People could not even speak through chats without saying crimes against humanity are going on, genocide is taking place, people have been burned alive, gang rapes are happening, intentionally starved to death, and other extremely wicked or cruel atrocities act and physical violence. All could be true or false. The same people pleading for people to hear their speech was just disruptive before during other people’s turn to speak. When they now try to deliver their speech, they become angry because someone is disruptive to them. The cycle of disruption continues. This document brings order against chaos, allows every voice to be equal regardless of who they are or what they support. This document goes in the direction of resolving, no matter how difficult. This “very” document will be blamed for going against someone’s agenda or rights. So what should you do when someone blames you for causing a problem, going against something they believe, hindering their rights, and so on. If that person speaks out of turn, they cause disruption on stage to block the Discussion from moving forward; regardless if to protest this document, remove them from the stage. If they point out grammar errors, spelling mistakes, or technicalities as a way to be petite or a nuisance, advise them once to present their issues through the proper channel. No one is allowed to interrupt. If the Discussion stopped every time, someone didn’t like something or was unhappy with the Protocol, well…
A figure of speech can compare different things but have similar qualities using the words ‘as’ or ‘like.’ Figurative language is a way many people and cultures use to express points of view or general conversation. It can be an effective communication tool if the receiver is familiar with the figure of speech. It can persuade, engage and connect with an audience. It can amplify messages. If not used correctly or with an unfamiliar audience, it can negatively impact. It takes close observation of the audience. When in doubt, stick to the most straightforward language associated with the stage.
Sometimes a Speaker will use phrases and descriptive words to convey a message without directly saying something harsh or direct. Types of figurative of speech:
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Personification
- Onomatopoeia
- Oxymoron
- Hyperbole
- Litotes
- Idiom
- Alliteration
- Allusion
- Assonance
- Symbolism
- Cliché
- Metonymy
- Synecdoche
Simile is a comparison between two unlike things using the words “like,” “as,” or “than.” Speakers use Simile to highlight something in particular. The Audience must have the ability to create connections and make inferences about the two comparisons to understand the shared similarity. The Audience needs to realize that the Speaker is saying something is like something else; they are giving you a specific instance.
Example: They are as busy as ants.
Example: They fight like dogs and cats.
Metaphor is a direct comparison without using the comparative words "like" or "as." Speakers use Metaphors to relate two things being compared to bring out a stronger connection and deepen the meaning of the comparison. The Audience needs to appreciate that the Speaker is trying to provide more visual details when they imagine it. Some metaphors can continue through several comments.
Example: That laugh is contagious, as contagious as a virus.
Example: He was a bear in hibernation; he didn't wake up all night.
Personification implies human personality or behavior to nonhuman things. Speakers use Personification to personify objects or situations and make them more relatable to the situations or things. The Audience has to be able to identify with the items, such as there are no giraffes in North American forest, so the Speaker should not mention giraffes but a moose.
Example: The chair cried when that big dude sat down.
Example: The trees are cracking and moaning from the wind blowing.
Onomatopoeia is the use of descriptive words that mimic or sound like the noise they are describing. The Speaker uses Onomatopoeia to be more animated. The Audience needs to be mature to appreciate the Speaker becoming animated to give a better understanding and experience.
Example: My stomach growled in hunger when I got to the restaurant.
Example: Thumping in excitement, my heart pounding when they
announced the winners.
Oxymoron is a description using two opposite ideas to create an effective description or delivery of a point. The Speaker uses Oxymoron as an adjective to be preceded by a noun. The Audience needs to be familiar with the context of the situation to understand the description.
Example: The jumbo shrimp is everyone’s favorite.
Example: The loud silence of night is keeping her from sleeping.
Hyperbole is over-exaggeration used to emphasize a situation, emotion, or description. The Speaker can use Hyperbole to implement the use of Simile and comparative words. The Audience needs to be alert to catch the transition.
Example: I am so hungry I would eat an entire elephant.
Example: That soccer team is faster than race cars.
Litote is a figure of speech that uses understatement to make a point. The Speaker can use a sarcastic tone and make a statement affirmed by negating the opposite. The Audience needs to first understand the first point to catch the opposite.
Example: I can't say I disagree with what you're saying.
Example: He is not even a little tired after staying up all night partying.
Idiom is an expression that has acquired a meaning different from its literal meaning. The Speaker uses Idioms in the form of phrases depending on the language and culture. The Audience can have difficulty understanding if they are not familiar with the Speaker or the Speaker’s culture because the expression’s true meaning is different from what is being expressed. Some Audiences take things literally, and if the Audience is not familiar when a Speaker says, Some people throw in the towel too soon, and they never learn how to be the value of working hard for success. Throwing in the towel means giving up; an unfamiliar Audience will wonder what a towel has to do with success.
Example: You must learn to play the cards life dealt.
Example: We can’t go to the concert, it is raining cats and dogs.
Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound at the start of one or more words near one another. The Speaker can use Alliteration to emphasize an emotion or reveal a stronger description. The Audience can have difficulty understanding or relating to if the pitter-patter of a cat’s paw on hardwood floors is not pitter-patter in their culture. Maybe in their culture, the cat’s paws are thunk-thunk.
Example: The pitter-patter of the cat's paws echoing woke me up.
Example: The ah-ah, gooh-gah of babies, brings joy to my ears.
Allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, thing, or event of historical, cultural, or literary merit. The Speaker uses Allusion to relate to the Audience’s background as to relate to the reference. The Audience has to use their background knowledge to grasp and understand or relate to the meaning.
Example: You stole the forbidden fruit when you went in mom’s purse.
Example: She is the Nefertiti on campus, making all the boys fight.
Assonance is a literary device in which vowel sounds are repeated within phrases or sentences that are close to each other in the text. The Speaker can even use Assonance as individual words. To use repetitive identical vowel sounds or vowel sounds that are very similar. Speakers may attempt to make a poetic example.
Example: (word) crackerjack
Example: (phrase) friends until the end
Example: (sentence) Try to light the fire.
Example (famous) “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”
Symbolism is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea. The Speaker can use Symbolism, giving an action, person, place, word, situation, or object symbolic meanings through a certain mood or emotion; they use symbolism to hint at it rather than just blatantly saying it. The Audience, if not following the Speaker’s discussion, can miss the connection or misunderstand the Speaker’s intent. This is important because Symbolisms are often used from real life, and not everyone has the same feelings or experiences towards the symbolisms. The heart symbol is used to symbolize something like love, or a closed fist with two figures up means peace or good. The color black can mean evil, and white is purity; not everyone agrees with this use.
Example: Chains can symbolize two or more things coming together.
Example: Mirror can symbolize self-reflection, broken mirrors unhappy.
Example: Clocks can symbolize a deadline, inevitability of change.
Cliché is a phrase or opinion that is overused and lacks original thought. The Speaker can use Cliché to express something is overdone, status quo, to promote a sense of change for the Audience. The Audience, if hearing something too often, can identify that it’s a stereotype or repeated too often. Sometimes a Cliche is what an Audience needs to drive home a particular point to make a point easy to grasp.
Example: Time is money or Love is blind
Example: Misery loves company, or Diamonds are a girl’s best friend
Example: If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all
Example: Careful what you say about people who buy ink by the barrel
Metonymy is the use of a linked term to stand in for an object or concept. The Speaker can use Metonymy to connect a word or phrase with another word or phrase to the point where it can stand for that word or phrase. The Audience can have difficulty understanding if they are not familiar with the Speaker or the Speaker's cultural use of the words or phrases. Sometimes the Speaker has to use multiple Metonymy before the Audience catches on to truly understand.
Example: There is no going against the powers to be
Example: You can't fight the power of the crown
Example: Can you give me a hand?
Example: Please lend me your ears
Example: That happens all the time around here
Example: (2 metonymies) "The pen is mightier than the sword"
The "pen" stands for the written words, and the "sword" stands for military aggression
Synecdoche is a word or phrase with a literal meaning that refers to a part of something that is used figuratively to represent the entirety of that thing and can be used in reverse. The Speaker can use Synecdoche when an odd word for what is simply using part of a whole to represent the whole. In the phrase, The Speaker may say, "Check out my fancy wheels," "wheels" is a synecdoche referring to a "car." In this example, a part of a car (its wheels) is used to represent the car as a whole. The Audience may get the speech if they are common with the examples, or they may require clarification.
Example: (paying with a credit/debit card) I'm paying with plastic.
Example: (A smart person tutored me) The brains was my tutor.
Example: (phrase) "hired hands" can be used to refer to workers.
(The farmer needed to bring on some hired hands.)
Example: (phrase) The word "head" can refer to counting animals or
people. (What's the headcount for next week's party?)
Example: (phrase) The word "bread" can be used to represent food.
(I'm looking forward to breaking bread with you.)